Organisational structures
Steering Committee
Advisory Council
Official documents
Reports/ deliverables issued during 2021
Environmental Activities - 2021
Field survey activities – EPC Consultanta de Mediu Team [8th–9th 2021]
Field survey activities – Geosond Team [March 2021]
Meeting on «Status of Site-Specific Conservation Objectives (SSCOs) and Appropriate Assessment (AA) in Romania and Republic of Bulgaria» [10.09.2021]
Meeting with ROMSILVA to obtain a point of view for FAST Danube project as part of the EIA procedure [19.08.2021]
Monthly Progress Meeting [14.04.2021]
Jaspers’ support [permanent]
FAST DANUBE Action (2014-EU-TMC-0297-S) – 6th Steering Committee – [25.03.2021]
FAST DANUBE Action (2014-EU-TMC-0297-S) meeting, Specific Site Conservation Objectives (SSCO) Protected Area`s RO – BG [11.03.2021]
Meeting on «SSCOs and immediate actions required» [29.01.2021]
Reports issued during 2020 and 2021
Jaspers’ support [permanent]
Field survey activities – AQUATERRA team [05 – 11 November 2020]
FAST DANUBE Action (2014-EU-TMC-0297-S) meeting – environmental issues [18.11.2020]
Online Meeting between APPD Ruse, MoEW (BG) and MTITC (BG) [01.09.2020]
FAST DANUBE Action (2014-EU-TMC-0297-S) meeting – environmental issues [08.07.2020]
Bilateral Bulgarian – Romanian Meeting on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure [01.07.2020]
Field survey activities – AFDJ team [second half of June 2020]
Meeting with Romanian National Agency for Natural Protected Areas on «Site Specific Conservation Objectives» [21.05.2020]
GeoMarine Ltd. met Ministry of Environment and Water – Natura 2000 Sites Department and Biodiversity (BG) [19.02.2020]
Meeting with the Bulgarian Stakeholders and Authorities [14.02.2020]
Progress Meeting held in Bruxelles on the Action 2014-EU-TMC-0297-S [11.12.2019]
Workshop on «Stakeholders Engagement in Bulgaria – ToRs presentation» [25.09.2019]
Environmental Procedure – Steps [2019]
FAST Danube project presented at national/international events [2018-2019]
Jaspers’ support [permanent]
Skype Meeting with NGOs BG [10.09.2019]
FAST Danube – EIA Study meeting between Romanian and Bulgarian, Environmental Authorities [11.06.2019]
Workshop on «Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) and Preferred Options for FAST DANUBE project» [30.05.2019]
Meeting with interested stakeholders from Belene area to discuss FAST Danube Project [29.05.2019]
Skype Meeting with WWF [10.05.2019]
Meeting with Ministry of Transport of Romania [26.02.2019]
Meeting in Brussels [13.02.2019]
Field survey activities [09.02.2019 – 10.02.2019]
Workshop «Options Appraisal / Selection» [20.09.2018]
Working Group Skype Meetings [14.09.2018 – 17.09.2018]
Field survey activities on the Romanian bank
The second measurements campaign was completed
For a second measurement campaign, all ships, equipments and devices were prepared
First measurements campaign was completed
Contract signing ’’Technical Assistance for Revising and Complementing the Feasibility Study Regarding the Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian Common Sector of the Danube and Complementary Studies”