Field survey activities on the Romanian bank

During October and November 2017 a team of experts from EPC Consultanta de mediu carried out field survey activities on the Romanian Danube River bank between Gârla Mare and Popina critical points and during March 2018 on the following sectors:
The sector between Popina and Kosui critical points;
The sector between Batin and Belene critical points;
Corabia critical points;
Bechet critical points.

The scope of the surveys was to collect information on habitats, flora, invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds (last nesting, autumn migration) and mammals.

In October 2017 a team of Bulgarian experts (DICON Group - Bulgaria) also performed field surveys in all 12 critical points located inside or partly within Natura 2000 sites. Field investigations aimed at collecting/onsite confirmation of existing data on natural habitats, wild fauna and flora species for the Bulgarian bank and their documentation.

During October and November 2017 and in July 2018 a team of experts from INCD - "Delta Danube Delta" Tulcea was present in the field to determine mainly the nature of the substrate, GPS location of the areas of interest as reproduction areas for sturgeons, depth and water velocity (with ADV) above the river bottom in gravel/rocky substrate areas along the entire Danube, in the following critical points: Gârla Mare, Salcia, Bechet, Corabia, Belene, Vardim, Iantra, Batin, Kosui and Popina.
Following the filed investigations carried out, the experts from  INCD  – ,,Delta Dunării“ Tulcea developed the report on " Migratory Fish Habitat Assessment - field work results & Initial assessment of proposed actions regarding navigation", a preliminary version containing recommendations on initial proposals to improve the navigation in 5 critical points.

Considering the complexity of the Project both from the technical point of view and the specific conditions of the site, the Consultant (Halcrow Romania SRL) took the necessary steps to organize meetings with each custodian / administrator of Natura 2000 site from the project area, in order to present the project, its specificities and also to request the data necessary to assess the impact on the conservation status of species and habitats of Community interest in Natura 2000 sites under their custody or managed by them:

  • Halcrow –  Echilibru Association Meeting (Bucharest, March 2, 2018);
  • Halcrow –  Romanian Ornithological Society (Bucharest, March 2, 2018);
  • Halcrow – Baneasa Forest District Baneasa Commune, Constanta County (Baneasa Commune, March 5, 2018);
  • Halcrow –  Buttetrfly Effect SRL (Craiova, March 6, 2018);
  • Halcrow – Craiova Forestry Directorate (Craiova, March 6, 2018);
  • Halcrow – The Dolj County Center for Nature Protection, Tourism, and Sustainable Rural Development, Dolj County Council (Craiova, March 6, 2018);
  • Halcrow – WWF Danube Carpathian Programme Romania (Bucharest, March 9, 2018);
  • Halcrow – Bio Romania Association (Bucharest, March 9, 2018);
  • Halcrow – Romanian National Agency Of Natural Protected Areas (Bucharest, March 15, 2018).