AFDJ Galati, through Halcrow Romania SRL as Consultant in the project Technical Assistance for Revising and Complementing the Feasibility Study regarding the Improvement of Navigation Conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian Common Sector of the Danube and Complementary Studies – FAST DANUBE, held the Workshop on «Options Appraisal / Selection» on 20th September 2018, in Bucharest – Minerva Hotel. The Agenda of the Workshop included four sessions, as follows:
- Initial option preferences, morphological (Prof. Colin Thorne from Nottingham University has an intervention via Skype)
- Revised options, modelling
- Multi-criteria analysis: introductory session
- Multi-criteria analysis: interactive session
- Consensus view on long term sustainable options
The large number of participants (42) shows a great deal of interest in this workshop, respectively in FAST Danube project.