CINEA, MoEW (BG), MTITC (BG), BG IBER BAS (BG), JASPERS/ EIB, MTI (RO), NANPA (RO), NAEP (RO), AFDJ Galati, IAPPD Ruse, Halcrow Romania SRL/Jacobs, GeoMarine Ltd. (BG), EPC Consultanta de mediu SRL (RO).
Location: Microsoft Teams
The points on the meeting Agenda: Methodology development and content of specific conservation objectives (SSCO), for the protected areas located in the area of the FAST Danube project.
Conclusions of the meeting:
- CINEA concluded by thanking the two MT (RO and BG) for the efforts done in 2020 and expressed satisfaction about the collaboration and the progress.
- It was agreed by both sides, as conclusion, that a similar approach (methodology) for RO and BG for the SSCO should be used.
- In order, to open the way for AA study, it`s important to set a technical working group, to exchange data on SSCO, by the end of March 2021.
- The list of experts from RO and BG should be exchanged between the two countries.
- Schedule of meetings and action plan to be agreed - working groups meetings between BG and Ro authorities more frequently and joint meeting - status update and exchange of information with the FAST Danube biodiversity and water experts e.g. monthly meetings.
- Both sides will identify the way to track the progress / updates from the technical group (e.g. regular meetings).