Advisory Council

The FAST DANUBE Advisory Council (AC) of the project consists of the Project Management Team (PMT) and non-project related stakeholders of the inland navigation sector in the Danube corridor:

  • EUSDR - Priority Area 1a,
  • Danube Commission, International Sava River Basin Commission, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR),
  • Inland Navigation Europe (INE)
  • Non-involved non EU countries (Serbia)
  • PRODANUBE International,
  • Ship Owners and River Port Operators Association in Romania – A.A.O.P.F.R.
  • Administration of navigable Canals – ACN Constanta
  • Romanian Waters
  • Romanian Naval Autority – ANR Constanta
  • Bulgarian Maritime Administration

The Advisory Council will not make formal decisions on the project, but will collect and reflect inputs and trends relevant for the implementation of the project.