Welcome to FAST DANUBE project!
The project was approved for funding under Transport CEF Call 2014 for multi-annual projects, Financing objective 4 - specific call for the Cohesion Funds, Priority 1 - pre-identified projects on the core network corridors - inland waterways and ports.
The project benefits from 85% EU funding and 15% funding from the state budget.
The project partners are the two waterway administrations of Romania and Bulgaria, respectively AFDJ Galati and IAPPD Russe.
The total project budget is EUR 5.252.000 euro, of which:
- EUR 5.222.000 AFDJ
- EUR 30.000 IAPPD
The main objective of the project is to identify the technical solutions to be implemented, in order to ensure navigation conditions on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube and safely conducting the transport activities on Danube throughout the entire year, in accordance with the recommendations of the Danube Commission in Budapest.
The project will run for a period of 50 months, between 01.11.2014 - 31.12.2018.
Actions under the project:
- Investigating and developing technical solutions to be included in the feasibility study to ensure stable navigation conditions throughout the year, on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube;
- Identification and preliminary design of the necessary works to eliminate the existing difficult points;
- Carrying out the Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment for developing the documentation in order to obtain the Environmental Agreement;
- Completion of technical specifications for carrying out the works on this sector of the Danube.
Project activities:
The activities and sub-activities of the project are the following:
- Activity No. 1 - Feasibility Study
This activity consists of a set of preparatory studies to determine the current status of the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube and the feasibility study elaboration. This activity will include identifying of future works, the time schedule for the implementation of the project, cost estimation and their implementation methodology, in close liaison with legislative requirements on both environmental protection at national and European level.
SubAct. 1.1 – Tender procedure
SubAct. 1.2 - Hydraulic engineering studies
This sub-activity consists in carrying out topographical, hydrological, hydrographic and sediment surveys, as well as developing a mathematical model to test the proposed solutions.
SubAct.1.3 - The development, assessment and selection of alternative scenarios
The objective of this sub-activity is to develop at least two alternative scenarios to be tested using the mathematical model developed under Sub-Activity 1.2, to perform economic evaluation of the various identified scenarios and to select the preferred scenario that improves navigation, environmental protection and economic development.
SubAct.1.5 - The feasibility study
The purpose of this sub-activity is to develop a cost - benefit analysis to allow Romanian and Bulgarian authorities to choose between between the different scenarios for removing the identified bottlenecks on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube. Cost-benefit analysis will be based on analyzes developed under sub-activities 1.2 and 1.3.
SubAct.1.5 - Studiul de fezabilitate
The purpose of this sub-activity is to provide preliminary designs for different works to be implemented, in order to eliminate the bottlenecks:
Preliminary design consists of:
- A description of the technical solutions to be implemented, and their sizing;
- A summary of the motivations for the chosen solution, on grounds of location and activities, as well as the issues related to the environmental impact assessment, appropriate assessment and the overall situation in the sector, depending on the characteristics and purposes of the chosen technical solution;
- The feasibility of the chosen solution, in accordance with the results of the investigations carried out, possible historical, architectural and archaeological constraints in the affected areas;
- The availability of areas to be used for implementing the selected solutions, the estimated costs an the situation of public utilities;
- Implementation schedule, indicating the maximum period of execution of various activities that include planning, approval, awarding procurement, construction and testing contracts;
- Operational and safety plans;
- Calculating the total cost of the the selected solution.
SubAct.1.6 – Supervising the surveying and mathematical modeling activities
The objective of this sub-activity is to follow the carrying out of the surveying and mathematical modeling activities, to ensure the quality of information delivered to be used in the elaboration of feasibility study.
Activity 2: The Environmental Impact Assessment
The objective of this activity is to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment of the proposed works which also include the study to determine the impact on Natura 2000 sites in accordance with national and European environmental legislation in force, in order to limit the environmental effects and to propose compensatory measures, if necessary.
SubAct.2.1 - The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
The objective of this activity is to perform the environmental assessment for the selected scenario. The environmental impact assessment is carried out in compliance with national and EU legislation. The EIA procedure includes the initial assessment phase, which can be conducted in parallel with the studies from Activity 1, within the feasibility study for updating the environmental conditions. The EIA report will be submitted for public consultation.
SubAct.2.2 - EIA approval process
The objective of this sub-activity is to obtain a favorable opinion from the competent authorities on the assessment of the effects of the proposed works on the environment.
Activity 3: Preparing the Public Procurement Procedure for Design and Construction
The activity covers the preparation of technical specifications for the procurement of design and execution works that were identified in the feasibility study.
Activity 4: Project Management and Communication
SubAct. 4.1 - Project management
This sub-activity includes all duties and responsibilities to effectively coordinate and manage the project. AFDJ Galati, the coordinator of the action, will be responsible for the project management.
An Advisory Council, consisting of all relevant stakeholders has been established within the project, who will act as an advisory body for reviewing the technical solutions, prior to the approval of the Steering Comittee.
The Steering Committee was established as the main decision-making platform. The Steering Committee is composed of representatives of relevant ministries and representatives of port and waterway administrations from Romania and Bulgaria.
The activity covers the general project management, preparation of progress reports, including final report, information exchange and coordination on action and and final evaluation of the action deliverables.
SubAct. 4.2 - Communication and dissemination
This sub-activity ensures the communication with all the interesed parts in ongoing actions and dissemination of the project results.
- Developing an integrated approach on the Danube by increasing traffic, avoiding any adverse impact on the river and the ecological system;
- Improving the waterway infrastructure with a view to develop the river transport on the Romanian-Bulgarian common sector of the Danube (rkm 845.5 to rkm 375);
- Supporting sustainable transport, encouraging the use of inland waterways transport.