Environmental Activities - 2021

During 2021, the environmental activities focused on the impact assessment component that need to be included in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and all related reports: Appropriate Assessment Report for Romanian bank, Impact Assessment on Water Bodies Report and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, and Disaster Resilience Report.


Due to the lack of site-specific conservation objectives for Natura 2000 sites from Republic of Bulgaria, the development of the Appropriate Assessment for Bulgarian bank was postponed until conservation objectives will be made available.  


To align as much as possible the methodologies for the development of the site-specific conservation objectives in both countries, but at the same time taking into consideration also the country-specific features, monthly meetings were held with the Romanian and Bulgarian environmental competent authorities. Site specific conservation objectives for Natura 2000 sites from Romania were made available to the Bulgarian authority for consultation.

The development of site-specific conservation objectives for Natura 2000 site from Republic of Bulgaria is ongoing.